Preventive health care, maternity care and child health is free for everyone. Children under 18 will receive free of his health. However, some parents pay for inpatient per day 7 days.

treatment drugs for money and costs. there are a little of the health care system will pay Finnish Kinks, but in common, people talk of vast happiness and health care National Programmed for Finland.

Finnish education tuition-free! After careful consideration, it is Finland's success in education of the population. Unfortunately, the kind jewelry, Finland and the other Nordic countries, almost all the methods of how we manage education, especially in Finland last 12 years.Education system is equal to the contrary, no tuition fees for students full-time and free meals served.
University courses are almost exclusively funded and administered by the municipalities Finland.even private schools, tuition prohibited.Teachers strictly use, fully unionized, follow the instructions of the curriculum, but a lot of autonomy and methods are taken hitzartutakoinstrukzio support, and to choose their own textbooks
Finland actively encourage children to read for pleasure than any other book published country.There high-stakes tests entrance.Both not accept an advanced degree, a Master of teachers in primary and secondary education should be classified. Agreed to respect the profession and apply for positions with higher performance and more at a salary higher than the OECD average, and this is reflected in the quality of teachers in Finland.